Best Dental Services in Denver Colorado

Uncover the Brilliance of Inlays and Onlays at Southeast Denver Dental in Denver, CO

When it comes to restoring your smile's aesthetics and functionality, look no further than the state-of-the-art solutions at Southeast Denver Dental. Under the trusted guidance of Dr. Malgorzata Korosciel, we offer excellent options for teeth restorations, including inlays and onlays in Denver, CO. These dental treatments not only promise a natural, long-lasting result but also provide multiple benefits over traditional fillings and crowns. They are an ideal solution for people who want the robustness of a crown without losing too much of their natural tooth. 

What Are Inlays and Onlays?

An inlay or onlay is a custom-made, porcelain-based dental restoration designed to improve the look and longevity of a damaged tooth. Whether you're facing a tooth that's cracked, broken, or a candidate for a filling replacement, inlays and onlays offer a natural-looking and enduring solution. They seamlessly blend with your tooth enamel and can last for many years without needing a replacement.

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Dental Inlays Denver CO

Why Would Someone Need Inlays and Onlays in Denver, CO?

If you're grappling with a tooth that's broken at the top or have a larger, older filling that needs to be replaced, these restorations could be perfect for you. Situated in the heart of Denver, and serving surrounding locations like Capitol Hill, Cheesman Park, Cherry Creek, City Park, and the Civic Center, our team will examine your dental condition to determine if inlays or onlays are the best solution for you.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Inlays and Onlays?

At Southeast Denver Dental, we ensure each restoration is tailor-made for you, giving you a snug, comfortable fit. Think of these treatments as the younger siblings to dental crowns. Inlays nestle within the grooves of your tooth, while onlays sit atop it, covering the entire biting surface. So, whether you're looking for minor touch-ups or more extensive repair work, there's an option that's just right for you.

What Happens During the Procedure?

During the procedure, Dr. Malgorzata Korosciel meticulously removes decay, old fillings, and smooths out the damaged area. After capturing precise impressions of your teeth, we prepare the inlays or onlays to fit perfectly. Once placed, they're polished to perfection, letting you walk out with a smile that's not only beautiful but also resilient.

How Much Does an Inlay or Onlay Cost?

The cost can vary depending on the complexity of the restoration and your insurance coverage. However, considering their durability and natural appearance, many find inlays and onlays to be a worthwhile investment in their dental health.

What Are Some Aftercare Tips for Inlays and Onlays?

Aftercare is straightforward—maintain a regular oral hygiene routine, attend your scheduled dental check-ups, and avoid excessively hard or sticky foods that could dislodge the restoration.

Dental Onlays Denver CO
Uncover the Brilliance of Inlays and Onlays at Southeast Denver Dental in Denver, CO

Pros and Cons of Inlays and Onlays


- Durable and long-lasting  

- Natural appearance  

- Less invasive than crowns  


- More expensive than traditional fillings  

- Not suitable for extremely damaged teeth

Inlays and Onlays vs. Crowns and Fillings

While inlays and onlays offer a mid-range solution between crowns and fillings, they stand out for their natural look and feel, and their ability to conserve more of your original tooth structure.

Reach Out to Us!

Interested in learning more about dental inlays and onlays? Contact Southeast Denver Dental today at (303) 757-7175 and let us answer all your queries. Your journey to a healthier, happier smile starts here.


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